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Maritime pilots play a critical role in our nation’s economy. These outstanding shiphandlers guide large vessels through busy waterways to help those ships safely navigate to their destination ports. Virginia pilots help vessels including cargo ships, tankers, and cruise ships reach their destinations safely by boarding those ships from a smaller boat and then navigating them in to port.

Paul Bayne is Skipjack Program Manager at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation—which means he spends a lot of time out on the water on board the Stanley Norman sharing information about the Chesapeake Bay with the next generation of Bay stewards.

Becky and Carroll Fitzgerald own the Lantern Queen and manage its operations out of Havre de Grace, Maryland, as a boat for public cruises and private charters. Lantern Queen is unique because it is a replica of a Mississippi paddlewheel riverboat.

Charlotte Rich is director of education at the Annapolis Maritime Museum, which is located just across the Eastport peninsula from the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office’s headquarters in Annapolis, Maryland.

The U.S. Coast Guard’s Aids to Navigation Team (ANT) that is based out of Milford Haven, Virginia, supports CBIBS with critical services. In December, they pulled CBIBS Upper Potomac from on board their buoy tender and replaced it with an ice buoy so that the CBIBS buoy and its sensors can stay safe over the winter.

Julie Dashiell is a first-grade teacher at Norfolk Collegiate School in Norfolk, Virginia, and also is an adjunct instructor at Old Dominion University. She uses data from CBIBS buoys to help her students learn about science and the health of the Chesapeake Bay.

NOAA’s National Weather Service Baltimore / Washington Weather Forecast Office, located in Sterling, Virginia, is responsible for warnings, advisories, and forecasts for the Maryland portion of the Chesapeake Bay and Tidal Potomac River.

Tom Weaver is a boat builder and sailor who is the voice of the marine weather forecast on the Annapolis-based WRNR radio station (listen in at 8:45 a.m. at 103.1 FM).