Annapolis - AN

Near Annapolis, MD
38.9631, -76.4475
Data in red are more than 3 hours old.
AN buoy

A buoy was first deployed at the mouth of the Severn River off Annapolis, Maryland, on November 18, 2009. This buoy has been pulled for several winters to keep it safe from potential ice damage, so overwinter data gaps, as well as other intermittent data gaps, exist. 

"The western shore by which we sailed we found all along well watered, but very mountainous and barren, the valleys very fertile, but extreme thick of small wood so well as trees and much frequented with wolves, bears, deer, and other wild beasts." - Captain John Smith, 1608

Today, Annapolis is a major hub for recreational boating and is home to the U.S. Naval Academy. The natural harbor early settlers enjoyed that is now downtown Annapolis is evident on NOAA charts for the area.

Be sure to check the weather forecast before you head out.

For more information on the history of the area surrounding the Annapolis buoy, please visit:

Data from the buoy is available via data tools.

Parameter Group Sort Value Unit Date Graphs
Air TemperatureMeteorological147.3F2025-03-24 09:12 EDT1 7 30
Barometric PressureMeteorological129.8inches2025-03-24 09:12 EDT1 7 30
Current DirectionCurrents4317Deg. Mag.2025-03-24 09:12 EDT1 7 30
Current SpeedCurrents40.129kts2025-03-24 09:12 EDT1 7 30
LatitudePosition538.96420Degrees2025-03-24 09:12 EDT1 7 30
LongitudePosition5-76.44670Degrees2025-03-24 09:12 EDT1 7 30
Mean Wave PeriodWaves316.9s2025-03-24 09:12 EDT1 7 30
Significant Wave HeightWaves30.68ft2025-03-24 09:12 EDT1 7 30
Water SalinityWater Quality28.6PSU2025-03-24 09:12 EDT1 7 30
Water TemperatureWater Quality248.6F2025-03-24 09:12 EDT1 7 30
Wave Direction (From)Waves3147Deg. Mag.2025-03-24 09:12 EDT1 7 30
Wind DirectionMeteorological1185Deg. Mag.2025-03-24 09:12 EDT1 7 30
Wind GustMeteorological117.9kts2025-03-24 09:12 EDT1 7 30
Wind SpeedMeteorological113.4kts2025-03-24 09:12 EDT1 7 30
AN buoy

A buoy was first deployed at the mouth of the Severn River off Annapolis, Maryland, on November 18, 2009. This buoy has been pulled for several winters to keep it safe from potential ice damage, so overwinter data gaps, as well as other intermittent data gaps, exist. 

"The western shore by which we sailed we found all along well watered, but very mountainous and barren, the valleys very fertile, but extreme thick of small wood so well as trees and much frequented with wolves, bears, deer, and other wild beasts." - Captain John Smith, 1608

Today, Annapolis is a major hub for recreational boating and is home to the U.S. Naval Academy. The natural harbor early settlers enjoyed that is now downtown Annapolis is evident on NOAA charts for the area.

Be sure to check the weather forecast before you head out.

For more information on the history of the area surrounding the Annapolis buoy, please visit:

Data from the buoy is available via data tools.