Summertime Dissolved Oxygen Levels—What Do They Mean for Fish…and Fishermen?
CBIBS buoys track dissolved oxygen—“DO”—levels. Having adequate DO is essential for all species that live in the Bay; like humans, the Bay’s living resources—like fish and crabs—need oxygen.
New Modem Provides More-Reliable Data from Bottom Sensor at Gooses Reef
Additional data from the Gooses Reef CBIBS buoy location is once again available, thanks to deployment of a new acoustic modem that relays water-quality information from the bottom of the Bay to the main buoy.
What Do Water Temps Mean for Spring Rockfish Season?
Saturday, April 20, 5:01 a.m.: It’s a date and time many Chesapeake-area anglers have had written in pen on their calendars for a long time.
You're Right: It Is Cold Out There!
Early spring is a time of big changes on the Chesapeake Bay. One of the key indicators of the transition from winter to spring is water temperatures, which can warm rapidly, thanks in part to the sun’s higher angle.
Update on Annapolis Wind Readings
In recent weeks, the Annapolis CBIBS buoy has occasionally reported wind readings that do not appear to be reliable. For the most part, data from the buoy on wind speed and wind gusts are on target, but in high-wind scenarios, errant “spikes” have been observed.
New Video Highlights CBIBS as Innovative Use of Wireless Technology
Charter boat captains and meteorologists are highlighted as CBIBS users in a new video released by CTIA, The Wireless Association.
CBIBS's Wilson Honored by American Meteorological Society
Congratulations to Doug Wilson, who was recently presented the American Meteorological Society’s 2013 Francis W.
Winter Buoy Pulls, Buoy Maintenance Continue
Temperatures around the Bay are dropping—but that doesn’t mean the CBIBS field team is hibernating. This week, the CBIBS team partnered with the U.S.
Stingray Point Buoy Swapped in Routine Maintenance
On November 30, NOAA CBIBS technical staff joined the U.S. Coast Guard on board a buoy tender to completely replace the CBIBS Stingray Point buoy. NOAA, working with the Aids to Navigation Team from the U.S.
CBIBS Partners Launch Bay-Focused Apps
Two CBIBS partners have recently released free apps for smartphones to help people connect with the Chesapeake Bay in areas including locations near CBIBS buoys.